Takeover #175 2021 Graduates:
Dagmar Lutjenhuis, Annabel Schouten, Polina Shuvalova and Keri Stoelinga
#175 (30/08 - 05/09, 2021) written by Robin Speijer
The past 8 weeks a group of 4 of this year’s newly graduated artists from various disciplines and academies in the Netherlands has done a takeover. The selection has been curated from applications sent in for our open call last month. This is the final graduation takeover of this year.
Life can be busy, but we all need a moment of calm to catch our breath. We may long to go somewhere else to do so. Scouring through our memories we may find many places we have been. What do we remember? How can we (re)create an environment, allowing others to also experience it? Elements like sound, music, certain spaces or objects may be necessary to feel immersed. We will be swept away elsewhere by Dagmar Lutjenhuis, Annabel Schouten, Polina Shuvalova and Keri Stoelinga!
Life can be busy, but we all need a moment of calm to catch our breath. We may long to go somewhere else to do so. Scouring through our memories we may find many places we have been. What do we remember? How can we (re)create an environment, allowing others to also experience it? Elements like sound, music, certain spaces or objects may be necessary to feel immersed. We will be swept away elsewhere by Dagmar Lutjenhuis, Annabel Schouten, Polina Shuvalova and Keri Stoelinga!