
We are an open and experimental
platform for emerging artists
from the Netherlands.

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Takeover #169 2021 Graduates:

Georgie Brinkman, RAYN, Hannah Meijer and Milah van Zuilen

#169 (19/07 - 25/07, 2021) written by Robin Speijer
Alternate logo’s by RAYN
Welcome back to our graduation program! Each week, a group of 4 of this year’s newly graduated artists from various disciplines and academies in the Netherlands will do a takeover. The selection has been curated from applications sent in for our open call last month.

Next up we will be turning our attention to the earth. What stories are there to tell about the natural world that surrounds us? Both fact and fiction will appear in the works of this week’s artists. The works connect on this point, but diverge from there. They vary not only in used media, but also in their perspective and focus: From how we treat the sea, trees and nature in general, to exploring the contrast between organic and manmade objects. Let’s give the stage to Georgie Brinkman, RAYN, Hannah Meijer and Milah van Zuilen!

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Since 2018.

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