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Takeover #189 Maaike Kramer 

Maaike Kramer: Instagram / Website

Bart Lunenburg: Instagram / Website
#189 (27/12 - 31/12, 2021) written by Linda Köke

This is the second week of a combined takeover by two individual artists: Maaike Kramer and Bart Lunenburg. They are both fascinated by the properties of architecture and space. They have just about finished up their residency together at Pompgemaal Den Helder.

“We have met through a mutual admiration for each other’s work. When we met, it immediately clicked. We call ourselves the ‘pressure cooker’ and the ‘slow cooker’, in our collaboration Bart makes sure Maaike takes enough moments to take a step back and reflect while Maaike coaches Bart to make enough room for experiment and take sidesteps during the making process.“

Maaike Kramer graduated in 2008 from ArtEZ Arnhem. She is currently preparing for a solo exhibition at Drawing Center Diepenheim in March 2022. During the residency period with Bart at Het Pompgemaal, she is making sculptural preparations for this exhibition.

“To me, making art is an amazing way to show something without it being too literal. If you need too many words to describe something, it comes across to me as just having one truth to it. I find ambiguity very interesting, and I can best express this through visual art.”

Maaike expresses a fascination for concrete in her works. It is a relatively fast setting material that allows you to capture fleeting ideas and architectural fashions. You can eternalize even the most fleeting thoughts by casting them in concrete. She also plays with the modular qualities of the medium. In Diepenheim, she plans on taking her wall sculptures into the open space, and opening the way for the viewer to experience a new relationship to these enormous concrete sculptures.

“I make my work so that it raises doubts and questions within the viewer. Active spectatorship is part of that. I question the relationship between the viewer and the ideas that are contained in the built world around you.“

During the takeover, Maaike wants to give insight into the preparations of her exhibition at Diepenheim. She will share her process with us, but the final result will come fully together when installed in the space of The Drawing Centre.

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